Spring 2015 New York Fashion Week
February 17, 2015

Fashion Insider Interview: A Behind-the-Scenes Perspective from Bruce Weber’s and Nan Bush’s Little Bear

  • Robert Darwell, Sheppard, Mullin, Richter & Hampton LLP
  • Producer Jeannette Shaheen, Little Bear, Inc.

A Fashionista’s Guide to Competition and Cartel Laws

  • Daniel Brown, Sheppard, Mullin, Richter & Hampton LLP

Practical Approaches from the US and EC to International Conundrums of Confidentiality: What You Need to Know About Cross-Border Attorney-Client and Work Product Privileges and E-Discovery

  • Theodore Max, Sheppard, Mullin, Richter & Hampton LLP
  • Bryony Cain, Bird & Bird LLP

Continue Reading Facing a Blizzard of Legal Challenges as In-House Counsel

Brands that create a credible emotional connection with the consumer demand higher consideration and establish and build brand loyalty. This program will discuss new legal strategies to apply and pitfalls to avoid in light of the key branding trends in the New Millennium with an update on recent developments in 2014.

Please join Sheppard Mullin for our monthly Third Thursday Emerging Company Webinar Series educating entrepreneurs and emerging companies on the key legal issues they face during the growth of their companies. These complimentary 1-hour webinars are held through WebEx on the third Thursday of the month at noon. They will have both an audio and PowerPoint component.Continue Reading How to Protect Your Brand